Re: SunOS syslog() fix, finally...

Jake Luck (
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 11:27:10 -0500

>         102903-01       Solaris 2.3 (requires 101318-75)
>         102904-01       Solaris 2.4 (sparc) (requires 101945-34)
>         102905-01       Solaris 2.4 (ix86) (requires 101946-29)

there did not seem to be any mentions about the need of recompiling
sendmail, etc in the README file, which was mentioned in the cERT
advisory. since it basically just patched the libc.a, I suppose no
other modification is needed?

Jake "Data" Luck               DANCE FOREVER                <>
Technical Assistant of and Control Strip Modules Archive Maintainer
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